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Canadian Dental Care Plan at Bow River Dental Centre Cochrane

Discover Affordable Oral Health Care with the Canadian Dental Care Plan

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Canadian Dental Care Plan at Bow River Dental Centre Cochrane

Discover Affordable Oral Health Care with the Canadian Dental Care Plan

Book an Appointment

What is the Canadian Dental Care Plan?

The Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) is a government initiative designed to ease financial
barriers to accessing essential oral health care for eligible Canadian residents. This program
offers financial assistance to individuals and families who meet specific criteria, ensuring that
everyone has access to necessary dental services regardless of their financial situation. The
Canadian Dental Care Plan covers a wide range of dental procedures, making it easier for
Canadians to maintain good oral health without the burden of high costs.
For the residents of Cochrane, this means greater access to quality dental care right here in our
community. With the Canadian Dental Care Plan, you can receive comprehensive dental
treatments at Bow River Dental Center, ensuring that financial challenges do not stand in the
way of maintaining your oral health. This initiative is a significant step toward improving the
overall health and well-being of our

Why Choose Bow River Dental Care Plan?

At Bow River Dental Center, we have chosen to participate in the Canadian Dental Care Plan to
support our community in Cochrane and surrounding areas. Here’s why you should choose Bow
River Dental Centre for your dental care needs under the Canadian Dental Care Plan:

  • Family-Centric Practice: We treat our patients like family, providing a welcoming and
    caring environment.
  • Commitment to Oral Health and Comfort: Our team prioritizes your oral health and
    comfort, ensuring you receive exceptional care.
  • Trusted Professionals: Our experienced and compassionate staff are dedicated to
    delivering top-notch dental services.

With over 26 years of service in Cochrane, Bow River Dental Centre is committed to ensuring
that financial barriers do not prevent you from achieving and maintaining optimal oral health.

Eligibility for the Canadian Dental Care Plan

To be eligible for the Canadian Dental Care Plan, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Do not have access to dental insurance.
  • Have an adjusted family net income of less than $90,000.
  • Be a Canadian resident for tax purposes.
  • Have filed your tax return in the previous year.

The Canadian Dental Care Plan is being rolled out in a scheduled phased manner as shown

Eligibility Group Application Start Date
Seniors aged 65 and above Started in December 2023
Adults with a valid Disability Tax Credit certificate Starting June 2024
Children under the age of 18 Starting June 2024
All remaining eligible Canadian residents Starting 2025

How to Apply

Applying for the Canadian Dental Care Plan is simple. Visit the official government website to
start your application: Apply for Canadian Dental Care Plan.
Once approved, you can visit any participating dental clinic, including Bow River Dental Centre
Cochrane, and enjoy the benefits of the plan as if you had dental insurance.


References and Disclaimers
For the most up-to-date and accurate information about the Canadian Dental Care Plan, please refer to the official
government website: Canadian Dental Care Plan.
Disclaimer: This information is accurate as of May 2024. We recommend using the government website as the
primary source for the most current details. Bow River Dental Center is not responsible for any discrepancies or
changes in the information provided.
Participation in the Canadian Dental Care Plan is voluntary for dental clinics. Bow River Dental Center is committed
to supporting our community by participating in this program to help reduce financial barriers to essential dental care.

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