General Dentistry
Tooth decay and other dental problems are less common than ever before, thanks to improved awareness of proper home care, water fluoridation and effective preventative treatments. However, problems still do occur that require treatment.
Fortunately, technology and techniques are continually improving, offering more effective, less invasive methods to keep your smile healthy. Our patients need not avoid treatment for fear of discomfort or inconvenience. The best way to minimize the severity of problems and the treatment required is to catch problems early with regular check-ups.
the following Services are provided within general dentistry

Dental Fillings Cochrane
One of the most common procedures performed in dental offices is dental fillings. Various dental materials are used to restore the form and function of teeth back to health. Recent development in dentistry has enabled clinicians to establish strong chemical bonding between teeth and the restorative materials providing patients with durable and reliable results.
Here at Bow River Dental Centre, we strive to perform these technique sensitive procedures with the utmost care and attention. We pride ourselves in providing quality care to our patients and we stand by our work through offering warranties. For more information, please talk to your dentist at your next visit.

Dentistry Cochrane
One of the most common procedures performed in dental offices is dental fillings. Various dental materials are used to restore the form and function of teeth back to health. Recent development in dentistry has enabled clinicians to establish strong chemical bonding between teeth and the restorative materials providing patients with durable and reliable results.
Here at Bow River Dental Centre, we strive to perform these technique sensitive procedures with the utmost care and attention. We pride ourselves in providing quality care to our patients and we stand by our work through offering warranties. For more information, please talk to your dentist at your next visit.
Inlays, Onlays, and Conservative Crown Restorations
To dive deeper into the world of dental restorations, the challenge with chemical bonding is that they need to counteract the residual shrinkage that follows the polymerization of dental composite in a direct composite restoration.
If the force of composite polymerization shrinkage is greater than the chemical bond established, then the filling bond will fail and the filling will become loose. However, if an excessive amount of shrinkage forces is controlled by the strength of the chemical bond, the tooth may be placed in a tensile stress and may fracture.
So, a fine balance needs to be established in order to achieve long-lasting results. This balance is achieved either through conservative preparations, meticulous application technique, and/or taking advantage of indirect restorations.
Indirect restorations are ones that are fabricated in the lab as opposed to fillings that are directly applied in the mouth. Indirect restorations such as onlays/inlays/and crowns go through material shrinkage outside of the mouth as they get fabricated in the lab and hence, enables us to establish strong chemical bonding between teeth and the restorative materials without placing teeth under any tensile strength.
Please talk to your dentist if you would like to learn more about this topic.

Onlays Restorations in Cochrane, Alberta
Onlays are referred to as indirect restorations, because the restoration is fabricated outside of the mouth, instead of being built in layers directly into the teeth like a filling. The dentist takes impressions of the teeth, then the restoration is shaped to match the part of the tooth it will replace. The restoration is affixed with dental cement.
An indirect restoration is an onlay if it extends to replace a tooth’s cusp. Onlays are more effective than fillings in reinforcing teeth to withstand biting forces, and more resistant to further decay. If a tooth’s original structure is too compromised to support a filling, these indirect restorations can provide fantastic, long-lasting, beautiful results.
Inlay Restorations
in Cochrane, Alberta
Inlays are known as indirect restorations as the restoration is created outside of the mouth, instead of being built in layers directly into the teeth like a filling. The dentist takes impressions of the teeth, then the restoration is shaped to match the part of the tooth it will replace. The restoration is attached with dental cement.
An indirect restoration is an inlay if it covers part of a tooth, without extending to a cusp (pointed tip of tooth). Inlays are more effective than fillings in reinforcing teeth to withstand biting forces, and more resistant to further decay. If a tooth’s original structure is too compromised to support a filling, these indirect restorations can offer stunning long-lasting results.

Dentures Cochrane
Dentures are removable options to replace missing teeth. While they are not considered the most comfortable alternative to natural teeth, they enable us to replace many missing teeth with a single appliance. As such, dentures are considered the most affordable treatment option for replacement of missing teeth.
Depending on the number of teeth missing and the shape and form of the dental arches, various materials can be utilized to fabricate dentures to best serve your lifestyle. Please talk to your dentist at your next visit.

Oral Appliances Cochrane
We provide our patients with the following oral appliances:
Sports Guards: These guards are worn during sport activities such as hockey and rugby to prevent any dental injuries and trauma. After taking a 3D scan of your teeth, these guards are fabricated in a customized fashion to fit your teeth perfectly.
Night Guards: These sleep appliances are indicated with patients with night time grinding and clenching, collectively known as bruxism. Bruxism is usually strongly linked with breathing and airway issues. Night guards are worn at night time to protect teeth from these parafunctional stresses. Cracking teeth, wearing them down, and pulp/nerve issues are some of possible side effects of uncontrolled bruxism. Your dentist recognizes the signs and symptoms of bruxism and will prescribe a custom fit night guard if needed.
Orthodontic Retainers: Orthodontic retainers are used post active phase of the treatment to retain the achieved alignment of teeth. Lack of retention may cause relapse.

Crown and Bridge Restorations Cochrane
Crown Restorations:
Crown restorations may be indicated with teeth with considerable structure loss. The loss of tooth structure could be due to a microbial destruction as seen with large cavities or could be due a fracture or a crack.
Also, teeth in the back with a history of root canal therapy may require a crown restoration for their long-term durability. The crown restoration takes two appointments.
In the first appointment the tooth is cut to the proper shape for a crown restoration and then an impression of it is taken either digitally with a 3D scanner or physically using conventional impression materials. The impression is sent to the lab for the fabrication of the crown. Meanwhile, a temporary crown restoration will be placed on the tooth between the appointments. The actual crown restoration is fabricated in the lab and is usually ready to be inserted in a week’s time for the second appointment.
In the second appointment, the new crown is checked for proper fit. Once the clinician is satisfied with everything, the crown restoration is permanently cemented on the tooth. Please talk to your dentist for more information.
Bridge Restorations:
A Bridge restoration is utilized to replace missing teeth using crown restorations of the adjacent teeth to the area with missing teeth. Bridges are considered a reliable option for replacement of missing teeth that are cemented in the mouth for long-term durability.